Tully Farms
Farm Properties
Tully Farms consists of approximately 400 acres of land in Dunstable and Pepperell, MA and Hollis New Hampshire. In addition to the property we own, we also rent land from the Larter family on Hollis Street and from St. Anselm's College on River Street for raising corn and hay.
The Milking Parlor
The current barn and milking parlor was built in 1999. The barn milks 16 cows at a time. We milk twice a day and each milking takes about 2 hours.

The Cows
We have approximately 270 head of registered and grade Holsteins, all raised on the farm. There are 120 to 135 milking cows, 60 to 70 heifers and 40 calves, which are raised for future milk production. The cows consume approximately 8 tons of feed each day. We produce 2,500,000 pounds of milk annually. That's 3,200 quarts per day!
Old Smokey
Old Smokey was the first rubber wheeled tractor purchased by the farm in 1939.
It was sold due to modernization and other factors, however, Charlie and his cousin Billy repurchased and restored the tractor in 2006.

Our Harvest
Annually, we produce:
15,000 bales of hay
600 tons of grass silage
3,000 tons of corn
Any excesses are sold to local farmers or horse owners
Five Silos
In 1958, the family acquired the first upright silo. Over the years, the number increased to five. The silos have become a symbol of the farm. We switched to a flat silo in 1986 for convenience, and added two more in 1996 and 1998.
Awards and Honors
Tully Farms Dairy was recognized as the Massachusetts Dairy Farm of the Year for 2019.
The Massachusetts Farm Bureau and the Grande recognized Tully Farm as a Century Farm (a farm that has been in operation for at least 100 years).
We have also received the Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation Dairy Farm of Distinction award.